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Frequently asked questions

Next you will find some answers.
If they should not cover your question
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Foil Drive Systems

Are you covering guarantee and support?
Yes we do. We also repair your Foil Drive and offer spare parts and accesseries. When you are in the area of lake Chiemsee just arrange a date for showing by and we will help you. And if not let us arrange a date for a phone call. We can deliver necessary parts.
May we get better prices for our school, club and association?
You are in charge of a school, club or association?
Write us and let us see what we can do for you, if you order a least three units of Foil Drive Max Power.
Air travel with Foil Drive
"Assist Plus Airline Travel" is the only FoilDrive system at this time, which is accepted by air travel agencies.
Thanks to the two batteries each of just 122 Wh. In any way you need to declare it as a litium battery before your travel and get a permission. Batteries must be discharged at 30% and stowed in a lipo bag. All Foil Drive systems come with a bag like this.

Also try to get a permission for the SlimPerformance battery 333 Wh. It is worth trying it.

For long stays it makes sense to send batteries with bigger capacities via UPS or FedEx.

Is use of Foil Drive unprohibited in my area?
Where are you living? Where do you mainly go for foiling?

On the ocean and at lakes like Lago di Garda there are no restrictions.

As a rule of sense: There are no problems when you use your foiling quiver in a reasonable way. It is just the same with the addition of Foil Drive. Respect other people. Safe your playgrounds. Use it with great deliberation.
Is there an adapter for my mast?
Have a look at the overview of adapters

Just to be safe: Measure width and thickness of your mast at 25 cm below assembly plate.

Even you can not find an adapter for your mast in the list be assured we let produce one and it will be delivered with your Foil Drive.
Carbon masts
Is it possible to mount my mast adapter in different heights?

Do you want to use Foil Drive as your assistant starting system and for short e-foiling:

All carbon mast have different width from buttom to top. Foil Drive adapters perfectly fit at 25 cm below the assembly plate. If you want a position 15-25cm you can safely mount the adapter with a little gap in between.

You want to e-foil with Foil Drive?
You can.
Ususally carbon masts are not used for e-foiling as a matter of costs. With e-foiling aluminium masts are chosen instead. They got a constant width all over the length of the mast. Even better: Foil Drive offers an integrated system at about € 1.600,- specially for e-foiling. It is a Axis mast with integrated cable, motor and adapter for lots of fuselages.
Connectivity with carbon boards
You own a carbon board?
We either. With our carbon boards everything works fine and we got stable connections. If you were to experiencing issues we know the tricks to acchieve a stable connection between controller and electronicbox.

Demo, courses, trainings

How do I get a FoilDrive Demo and a foiling course?
Du vereinbarst mit uns einen Termin und Ort am Chiemsee, allein oder mit Freunden und entscheidest, ob du dir das FoilDrive nur zeigen lässt (Demo), ob du es zusammen mit einer Einführungsschulung von einer Stunde selbst ausprobieren möchtest.
Voraussetzungen: Eigener Neoprenanzug, du kannst schwimmen
Wir stellen: FoilDrive mit Foil und Board, Sturzhelm

Sag uns dazu bitte:
- Wie schwer bist du?
- Welchen Sport/Wassersport hast du eventuell vorher schon betrieben?
- Bist du schon mal gefoilt?
- Hast du Einschränkungen?

Arrange a date +49 179 5 33 44 23 whatsapp, sms, iMessage, signal
No idea of foiling. Can I learn it with you guys?
Ja, gerne. Du kannst es alleine oder zusammen mit weiteren zwei Freunden lernen. Am Chiemsee oder Umgebung. Die erste Einheit umfasst 6 Stunden, die du nach und nach aufbrauchen kannst. Dabei verwenden wir eine Foil-Ausrüstung mit kleinem Elektro-Motor, der dich ins Fliegen bringt. So lernst du die Basis, den praktischen Umgang beim Starten und Steuern. Es geht dabei hauptsächlich um Gleichgewicht und Beweglichkeit: Nicht um Kraft.
Schon bald bist du ein*e echte*r Foiler*in
Foilsurfing girl

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foiling is specialized dealer for Foil Drive and Appletree boards
Foil Drive Germany, watersport center at lake Chiemsee specialized on pump-, wing-, downwind- and wake-foiling.

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